Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney in 1928 but this wasn't Disney's first animated character. He first created Oswald, a rabbit for Universal Studios, but after a budget fight, Disney left and created a new, similar character, Mickey. His friend and coworker Ub Iwerks helped create him.
At first his name was Mortimer, but was later changed to Mickey. Some say it was Disney's wife who asked him to change it, while Mickey Rooney says he's named after him.
Mickey first became a big hit with the animated short "Steamboat Willy" in 1928. It was the first animated short that had synchronized music and sound effects. He went on to appear in 130 films including "Fantasia."
He is the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
So.....he could be like a great, great grandfather??? Papa Nico's cartoon!
ReplyDeleteHahaah true!