According to Dunkin’ Donuts will go after the mass end of the market even as arch rival Starbucks is expected to target the premium end. The timing couldn’t have been more significant. A month after Starbucks announced its entry into India came the news that arch rival Dunkin’ Donuts was also stepping into the same terrain. While the rationale for their entry into India remains the same - to take part in the growth the market here presents - the consumers they will go after will vary.
Starbucks is expected to target the premium end of the market; and Dunkin’ Donuts, the masses.
In recent years, however, Dunkin’s has attempted to borrow elements from the Starbucks strategy. This includes providing food across day parts and having the finest coffee.
In India, both brands are yet to take off so they are evenly poised at the moment. But the game of one-up-man-ship, say retail industry sources, is likely to be played out here too as both look to swiftly ramp-up once stores come on stream. While Dunkin’s appears to have got a slight edge at the moment by tying up with Jubilant, Starbucks, despite its tie-up with Tata Coffee, is exploring the option of tying with allied partners for stand-alone stores.
According to Dunkin’ Donuts will go after the mass end of the market even as arch rival Starbucks is expected to target the premium end. The timing couldn’t have been more significant. A month after Starbucks announced its entry into India came the news that arch rival Dunkin’ Donuts was also stepping into the same terrain. While the rationale for their entry into India remains the same - to take part in the growth the market here presents - the consumers they will go after will vary.
Starbucks is expected to target the premium end of the market; and Dunkin’ Donuts, the masses.
In recent years, however, Dunkin’s has attempted to borrow elements from the Starbucks strategy. This includes providing food across day parts and having the finest coffee.
In India, both brands are yet to take off so they are evenly poised at the moment. But the game of one-up-man-ship, say retail industry sources, is likely to be played out here too as both look to swiftly ramp-up once stores come on stream. While Dunkin’s appears to have got a slight edge at the moment by tying up with Jubilant, Starbucks, despite its tie-up with Tata Coffee, is exploring the option of tying with allied partners for stand-alone stores.
sabes que estube escribiendo un ensayo sobre starbucks.. pero era de una estrategia publicitaria ;)